Water - Essential Conditions for Running
18/11/2023 - 17:57


There's no need to emphasize the importance of water in life; this liquid substance becomes even more critical for runners both during training and races. No one understands your body better than yourself. Therefore, after reading this article, apply some post-run hydration principles to best support your body during training and competition.

1. How much water do you need?

The amount of water you need depends on various factors such as weather, hydration capacity, running route (hilly or not), running speed, etc. To calculate it reasonably, weigh yourself before and after a run with the water you carry. The difference in weight after the run represents the relative amount of water you need to replenish. Remember to test this under different speeds, routes, and weather conditions to find your own pattern.

2. When to drink water?

In principle, your body performs optimally when adequately hydrated. Therefore, pre-hydration, hydration during the run, and post-run hydration are essential. Pay attention to the volume and color of your urine. If your urine is minimal and dark yellow, you need to drink water. If your urine volume and color are normal for your daily baseline, indicating your body is properly hydrated and ready for the run.

Start hydrating from the day before, drink water 30 minutes before the run, drink consistently after every 2-3 km segment, and hydrate after finishing the run. Don't wait until you feel thirsty to drink water. Practice drinking while running to minimize downtime; take small sips, hold and swallow slowly to avoid choking.

3. What type of water to drink?

There's no universal formula; you have to experiment to find the most suitable hydration for yourself. Some elites surprisingly use oral rehydration solutions that are commonly given to children during sickness and fever. Additionally, freshly squeezed lemon water with a pinch of salt (table salt or pink salt) is recommended. Of course, you have countless options, from purified water, mineral water, various electrolyte drinks to ginseng water and... beer. Your job is to experience and decide.

4. How to carry water during training?

Nowadays, there are numerous ways to carry water while running, including belts, pants with pockets, hydration vests, or simply holding a water bottle (though not recommended due to its impact on running posture). You can also pre-deposit water along your route (easy to collect but might be risky), buy water during your run (time-consuming), or run loops to have access to a fixed water source. Having a support team is a fantastic option if possible.

5. Should you avoid drinking water?

To drink or not to drink is your decision, of course. Nonetheless, experts advise valuing your body and making informed decisions about when to drink, what to drink, and how much to drink. Above all, you need to understand your own body. This is crucial for effective training and ongoing progress.

6. Why do I experience side stitches after drinking water?

Many runners face this issue. Imagine pouring water rapidly into a bucket and then carrying it swiftly. What would happen? The same applies to drinking water; consuming large amounts in big gulps might lead to side stitches. The correct approach is to take small sips, hold the water in your mouth, and swallow slowly. If you're running at a fast pace, take a quick sip and spit it out (be mindful of your surroundings and those behind you) to clear any dust or mucus in your mouth.

Additionally, be sure to reduce your pace while drinking water and gradually increase it. Suddenly accelerating after a drink, due to the urge to catch up with lost time, is a direct cause of side stitches.

In conclusion, thank you for persistently reading this entire article. Wishing you effective training and a continued passion for running. Love all!


The Halong Bay Heritage Marathon running track is certified by the World Athletics and the Association of International Marathons and Distance Races. The race is part of the official competition system of the Vietnam Sports Administration and the Vietnam Athletics Federation. The marathon has joined the Age Group Ranking System of Abbott World Marathon Majors since 2022.


Race Date: November 19, 2023

Facebook fan page: https://www.facebook.com/HalongBayInternationalHeritageMarathon

Should you have any question about the Halong Bay Heritage Marathon, please email us at: halongrace@dhavietnam.vn.


The Heritage Race system, organized annually by DHA Vietnam, comprises the Hanoi Marathon - Heritage Race in October, the Halong Bay Heritage Marathon in November and the Can Tho Marathon - A Heritage Race in December.